survival value

美 [sərˈvaɪvl ˈvæljuː]英 [səˈvaɪvl ˈvæljuː]
  • 网络生存价值;存在的价值;生存值;存活值;幸存分数
survival valuesurvival value
  1. Writing and shaping of the male writers on them ," heterogeneity " to get great highlights , and can not help but suspect that the survival value as a human being .


  2. In fact , to some extent , the EU independent defense is coincidence with NATO . Whereas the NATO obtained the survival value after it made a strategic adjustment in the new century .


  3. There is the genetical or evolutionary search by which a combination of genes is looked for , the criterion being survival value .


  4. Money for money attitude is people use its meaning the understanding and the understanding , happiness is survival value and the pursuit of the goal , mental health is happiness .


  5. Most people have a resolute Work / progress / perfect personality ; they have been suffering from the most noble of baptism , which in spirit to find a survival value .


  6. Briefly , behavioral ecology is a cross field of praxiology and ecology . It is concluded on behavior mechanism , animal behavior 's survival value , fitness and evolution significance in ecology .


  7. Analyzing the sticking point of modem city headaches , and examining the desire for " beauty " and " innovation " in human nature as well as the driving force of survival value extension ;


  8. Can be said that the subject and the rational of the existential absurdity has been alienated , because people are more care about the survival value and life of the true state , it is in this sense we say absurd in a sense continues the lofty connotations .


  9. To space environment atmosphere 's building , can enhance people 's life boundary , the civilized level and the quality of life , and manifests the survival the value .


  10. MTT assay was used to measure the cell survival ( A value ) of K562 and K562 / AO_2 cell strains after the action of ADR .


  11. As rational beings , the intrinsic freedom of the aesthetic subject promotes him introspect about his survival status and value of life , contact his own freedom with moral law , and better achieve the freedom through own good will .


  12. Safety is the most fundamental problems of human survival and the primary value of pursuing people through the ages .


  13. Research on the Survival of the Cultural Value of Folk Music Clubs & a case study of Panyu Folk Music Clubs


  14. The paper mainly analyzes the process of walker 's search for survival whole , the value and meaning of her creation from the following respects .


  15. Based on the analyses of the previous five chapters , this chapter talks about the survival law , the value , and defects of the magistrates ever since Middle Ages .


  16. The death narrative in Zhang Cheng-zhi s works in this period is not a simple carrier to complain misery , but is the method of developing a new way of manifesting survival sense and survival value .


  17. People experience a stage of spiritual sublimation in order to find their own survival position : painful self-questioned ; going out the survival value of nothing ; find their positions in the random world .


  18. Survival plight , survival posture in plight and reflection on survival value constitute the framework of survival expression .
